Thursday 8 December 2011

Remove the cotton wool!

We all want to protect our children. From everything. Well from everything bad anyway! I am a protective mum to a point, but I am also quite pragmatic and I know that when they reach a certain age, you have to let go a bit, well a lot and you also have to encourage some independence.

I know a woman who has three children who I consider to be adults now. Two are in their early twenties and the other in their late teens. To me, these are young adults who should be making their way in the world. They are all still living at home, sadly due to the cost of renting or buying, this is more and more common now with kids staying with their parents until their thirties or beyond. So I accept that the three of them still being at home is inevitable at that stage.

What I find worrying is the fact that their mother still does everything for them, to a ridiculous point! She cooks all of their meals, does all their washing and ironing, runs their baths, lays out their clothes even on occasion. If they need to make a phone call or book something on line, she often does that for them too. Now I like to think of myself as a good mum, bit is this taking things too far?

Whilst it is natural for her to still do some jobs for them, they should all be rushing around trying to help her, but generally they don't bother.

I have a sixteen year old son and he is quite independent. If needed, he makes his own meals, does his own shopping, makes his own phone calls. Obviously, I still cook, wash and iron for him, but I know that eventually he will have make his own way in the big bad world and I am doing him no favours if I don't teach him to fend for himself before then.

What do you think?


  1. I think you're doing the right thing by ensuring your son learns how to be independent. I'm all for that too, but I can see how easy it would be to just keep doing everything for them because that's what you're used to doing. I think I'll have to be really strict with myself when my children are older about making them start to do things for themselves and not being such a control freak :) I don't think it will come naturally to me.

  2. I totally agree. I will be teaching my sons the important life skills - cooking, cleaning, not ironing since I don't do any but Daddy can teach them that. The last thing I need when I retire is a couple of thirty-something teenagers :D


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