Saturday 25 January 2014

Who is in control of your heating?

We have an ongoing battle in our house at the moment.

It is an unspoken battle, but it is a battle nonetheless.

It is the battle of who controls the heating.

I admit that I am a cold person.  Cold as in I feel the cold, not cold as in cold-hearted.  Unless we are in a heatwave, I am cold.  I live in layers of clothing and my collection of cardigans is never far away.

My husband doesn't seem to feel the cold at all.  He doesn't even know how to put the heating on. He does, however, know how to change the temperature dial in the hallway.  Obviously, we all walk past the temperature dial frequently on a daily basis.  This time of year, I like the dial to be on 20.  For me, that means that the house will be the perfect temperature; not too hot and not too cold.

Although he has never admitted to it, my husband obviously disagrees.  How do I know this?  Well because the temperature dial magically changes and turns itself down to 15 all by itself.  I have questioned my husband about this from time to time, as it has been happening for many years now, and he always vehemently denies it.

"Someone must have knocked it when they walked past."
"It must have been one of the children."

These are the usual responses.  Whilst I have to admit that these are possibilities, it seems strange to me that these 'accidents' always manage to turn the heating down to the exact same temperature.

Now, I don't have the heating on all the time.  It is set to come on in the morning before we get up and it is on for a couple of hours, but that is the only time that it is set to come on automatically.  The rest of the time, if it is chilly, I use the 'boost' button which switches the heating on for an hour.  This works pretty well as it means that we don't have astronomical gas bills and the house is usually quite warm.

The one downside of this method of heating the house of course, is that if we are away for any length of time, we come back to a freezing cold house and it can take a long time for it to warm up.  So a new idea from Hive has caught my eye.

A Hive Active Heating kit allows you to control your heating and hot water wherever you are.  What a brilliant idea!  Once set up and installed, you can control the heating and hot water using a phone, tablet or laptop; whether you want to turn it on and off or turn it up or down.  You can even set it up to send you an alert to your mobile phone when the temperature reaches a certain level.

I for one will be looking at the Hive website for more information and I can assure you as this might finally mean that I can take control of the heating and these 'accidents' that cause the thermostat to be turned down will be a thing of the past.

Just don't tell my husband.

This post was written in association with Hive.  Please see their website for more information.


  1. What a great idea....That is something which I could make use of! I'll have to look into that x

  2. This is a good idea, think I will check out that website. :)


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