Sunday 25 December 2011

The Gallery - Phone Photos

I am really pleased to have discovered The Gallery. I love looking at photos, both mine and other people's and this and the 366 project have given me a real inspiration to take more photos and be a bit more creative with my photos.

This week's theme is photos you've taken on your phone. The photo I've chosen is simply one of the best phone photos that I've taken. I pretty much use my phone all the time now for snapping as it is always with me and simple to use. I haven't done anything to the photo as I love it as it is. It is my little girl just before Christmas. Ever since we visited Disneyland Paris last summer, she has had a bit of an obsession with Minnie Mouse. We had been to the Disney Store and I had let her choose a new Minnie for our Christmas collection. Her face in this photo sums up her reaction.

If you want to see the other fantastic photos in The Gallery pop over to Tara Cain's brilliant blog Sticky Fingers and take a look.


Thank you for your comments, they are greatly appreciated!