Tuesday 20 December 2011

A bad night!

Last night will go down in history of one to remember, although currently I would rather forget!

My little girl who has just turned two is poorly. You know the sort of thing; runny nose, high temperature, miserable and coughing. The type of lurgy that medical professionals like to call 'a viral infection'.

We had a very taxing day yesterday as she didn't want to be left and every time I tried to sneak off to do something she would appear sobbing, looking very sorry for herself, head down, shoulders heaving! I couldn't even make a cup of tea without her clamped to me.

So it was with some relief that I took her to bed and when she had finally fallen asleep, I though 'great' time to get some jobs done. But no! Within ten minutes, she had coughed herself awake again and was now over-tired. I brought her back down stairs so that I could at least get changed for bed and then she has the mother of all tantrums because she thinks it's morning and she wants to watch Peppa Pig.

Finally, I get her back upstairs and about an hour and a half later and after much coughing, she drifts of to sleep. I shut my eyes only to hear the pitter patter of footsteps. In comes my six year old. He climbs in on the other side of the bed and goes to sleep. Great. I'm stuck as A is lying on my now very dead arm, so I can't take him back as I don't want to risk waking her up. L also has a cold so I lie there listening to the pair of them snoring until my husband comes to bed and takes L back to his own bed. L has a fit and wakes A up who then starts coughing again. She must have coughed herself awake every fifteen minutes or so and by four o'clock I am so tired I could cry and I desperately need to go to the toilet. So I manage to get out of bed and I go and get my husband up as he's in L's bed. I ask him if he can lie with A while I go to the toilet. He says he'll lie with her so I can try and get an hour's sleep. Ha ha, very funny!

In hurtles L who is also very tired and starts shouting at the top of his voice that no-one cares about him and no-one loves him as we make him lie on his own(he does in fact share a room with his older brother). He refuses to go back to his bed instead runs around the landing putting all the lights on, in turn, waking A back up who is sobbing hysterically and my other son who is completely bewildered.

This carried on until L finally dropped into our bed and fell asleep. My husband went and slept in L's bed and I was left again with little miss cough a lot and no sleep!

Tea and sympathy would be lovely please!


  1. Hugs x It is horrible when they are ill.

  2. Oh dear, the joys of little ones in winter! You have my sympathy; I never remember coping well with those "viruses".

    Hope everyone's okay soon and you have a lovely Christmas.
    CJ x

  3. Oh dear not good. Hope everyone is feeling better and you get some sleep soon. Hugs x

  4. Oh jeez...what a night! *strokes your forehead*

  5. Tea and sympathy might help. But how about a nice bottle of gin? i've heard it's good for this kind of thing x

  6. Oh poor you. I hope that things are better today. You have my full sympathy. The lurgy seems to have descended on our house since last night too. Good luck.


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